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It’s FINALLY here: The MASSIVE update to the Thunder App with ALL the features you requested and none of the b...


Store review

It’s FINALLY here: The MASSIVE update to the Thunder App with ALL the features you requested and none of the bugs.

This bad boy was built solely on your user feedback and input. That means YOU designed it. So congrats, because you all did a fantastic job.

The Thunder App is the only way to get 100% of our content.

You get EVERYTHING, including all the comedic gold that no one can post on social media anymore. The internet has become BORING and comedy have suffered the most. We’re trying to fix that.

-- EVERYTHING YOU ASKED US FOR (aka The Features) –

First, the BRAND NEW additions:

Is that a NEW MENU? Correct! A dedicated menu centre gives you the ability to navigate everything within the app, all in one place.

User Submissions? Yup, it even has its own tab all within the app. You beautiful people have inundated our inbox with 1000s of submissions for the last year and we realized we needed an automated system to deal with it. Now you can instantly create your own posts for everyone to see once they’re live. They are moderated, but we have safeguards in place that allow for the appropriate viewing of even the Dankest of Memes that auto systems don’t allow you to see anywhere else.

How do I know when my posts go viral? Lucky for you, we have a brand new internal Notifications Manager. When you create a profile, the fully customizable notifications tab keeps track of all your posts, every comment on those posts, and every reply you receive so you can keep up with the action at your leisure.

Do I need an account? Nope. We could care less about your data and if you just want to be a stage 5 lurker without interacting, you’re free to be your beautiful hermit self.

Introducing THE DUNGEON! If you’re one of the 55,000 members of our FB group, we actually listened to you and we built a home for all of your ridiculous and “creative” content. The Dungeon is the 24/7 stream of your own creations and those of others. You’re finally free from the powers that be and in the safe and warm embrace of Papa Thunder Dungeon.

Do the comments actually work now? Oh yes. The commenting system has been massively overhauled to fix EVERYTHING. You can now comment, reply, and delete, all while receiving notifications about how well your genius thoughts are being received by the world.

Lastly, the stuff you already use and love:

- Is it still lightning fast? Correct. Hyper compressed files sizes and new load protocols give you what you want to see.

- Easy to use? Dang right. You can still choose how to use it.
Scroll vertically through galleries or swipe through individual images for as long as your little hearts desire.

- Sharing features? Yup. You choose how you want to save, text, or share every single image (or post). Tap and hold to save anything.

- What about storage? We hate bloated apps, so we gave you the option to clear the cache of any and all unwanted saved items. Load it fresh or keep your favourites stored.

- Are there ads? Yes… BUT. We always want to have COMPLETE transparency with you. Apps cost money. So yes, this app is supported by ads.

We despise annoying ads just as much as you do.

With our growth, we’ve been able (via partners) to solely use the ADX program. They are the internet’s gold standard, so there are ABSOLUTELY no worries about invasive, annoying, or “sketchy” ads.

We’ve made sure that the app features NO POPUPS and NO VIDEO ADS. They pay A TON more, but we’ve sacrificed that revenue for basic, in-stream impression based ads.

It literally is as low impact as possible, while still paying for basic costs. We just want to make sure we can keep this thing running for all of you.

We LOVE you guys (and girls) and we also LOVE what we do. We’re okay to sacrifice a bunch, so that we can actually be proud of the platform you made.

At the end of the day, without users, we literally have nothing.

Hope you like it,

Roy and Phil

Last update

Nov. 8, 2019

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