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Lookup - AI Powered Internet Search Engine

Lookup is the smarter way to search on the internet. Lookup is Artificial Intelligence (AI) based search...


Store review

Lookup is the smarter way to search on the internet.

Lookup is Artificial Intelligence (AI) based search engine application help you to find out whatever information you want instantly. It is absolutely innovative way to browse on the internet.

Instant Page:
Automatically open best website for you. No need to wait to watch search results.

Clutter Free Result Page:
No advertisement. Instead of showing search results link like other available search engine it shows useful detailed information about the results like its content and reading time.

Very Fast Reading Mode:
You can instantly open any web-page from search result by using read mode. It is compressed version of web-page that show only main contents from website.

Automatic Website Selection:
Instead of using normal way to visit one by one website to fulfill your need, Lookup choose the best website to visit for your need.

Lookup doesn't tract with any way.

Save your time:
Lookup is mainly design to reduce time while researching on the internet.
Take better decision.

Save yourself to opening useless website which does not have anything you need.

What are you waiting for, Switch to Lookup Now!

Last update

March 7, 2020

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